The CAP-Ability project
In a context of growing challenges related to climate change, the loss of biodiversity and the management of natural resources, the CAP-Ability project, funded by the European Union, aims to provide farmers, operators in the rural sector and young agricultural students clear and reliable information on the European agricultural model and on the contribution of the CAP 2023-2027 to the achievement of the objectives of the Green Deal.
The project includes several activities within it: from the organization of events and seminars with technicians and farmers to illustrate the innovations proposed in the new policy and the new trajectories, to the preparation and dissemination of documents on which to reflect, discuss, deepen and study the strategy European Union for a sustainable agri-food system.
If on the one hand the project will have a purely technical aspect, including all the operational information useful for understanding the CAP, on the other hand it will leverage emotional mechanisms capable of involving the recipients by making them feel potential protagonists of the success stories told, or involving them in the interior of the unique features of a landscape.
The CAP-Ability includes 5 different Work Packages (WP):
- WP1 “Project Management” refers to all project coordination activities;
- The WP2 “Meet the CAP” includes live and online meetings with technicians and farmers, to present the innovations introduced by the new CAP regulation and offer spaces for discussion among the participants.
- The WP3 “From policy to practice” is aimed at bringing all the operators involved closer to the Common Agricultural Policy, through the dissemination of documents on which it is possible to reflect, discuss and deepen all the issues related to the CAP;
- WP4 “Let’s put the word out” wants to make all the contents available to an increasingly wider audience through the use of digital tools, using both visual and textual languages to increase the impact of the project;
- WP5 “Join the classroom” brings the CAP among the students of agricultural institutes, to tell about the opportunities it offers them, even in the professional field.
CAP-Ability intends to help farmers to seize the opportunities offered by the CAP and to adopt behaviors in line with the common strategies that all Europeans, from institutions to citizens, should follow in order to try to build a more equitable and sustainable world.
Project coordinator: Stefano Leporati